We have now created a good basis for taking a closer look at how the existential risks just explained are connected to our personal digital identities. Basically, it can be said that with our digital identities we always make a contribution in the form of an opinion in a post or comment or even consciously by publishing certain contributions in a targeted form. The extent to which this now affects individual existential risks will now be examined in more detail.

A fellow student, Ayah, has examined the connection between digital identities and the existential risks of “climate change” and “wars”. [LINK] She found out that … . If you would like to learn more about this, please visit her website. :)

Another fellow student, Gregozs, studied the connection between digital identities and “Artificial Intelligence”. He found out that… Again, if you want to learn more about this, take a look at his website. :)

But, as explained, there are some more, maybe not that obvious existential risks. As my fellow students has already taken a closer look to the biggest ones, I now want to have a closer look at the less obvious existential risks and how they are connected to our digital identities.

How are Digital Identities and the Existential Risk of “Biotechnology” connected?

How are Digital Identities and the Existential Risk of “Nuclear Wars” connected?

How are Digital Identities and the Existential Risk of “Geo-Engineering” connected?

How are Digital Identities and the Existential Risk of “Naturally occurring existential threats e.g. asteroids” connected?

How are Digital Identities and the Existential Risk of “Engineered pandemics” connected?