Hello & Welcome!

I’m Hannah, 21 years old and I’m studying Digital Transformation in Business and Society with focus on Information Systems and Digital Communication.

This website was created as part of a project for the course “Navigating the Digital World” at the University of Essex in the autumn semester 2022. The whole project was themed “How are digital identities connected to existential risks?” and the aim was to explore digital identities, existential risks and critical thinking.
Since this topic is not exactly commonplace and not so “easy to digest”, I would like to structure this website in the same way as I did in my thought processes; because I was - as you probably are now - a total newcomer to this topic and initially overwhelmed. Therefore, I would like to offer you a step-by-step introduction to the topic of “Digital Identities and Existential Risks” with single blogposts within this website.

To begin with, we first create some basics in order to better understand the topic in general (link step 0).
Then, in a first step, we approach the concept of digital identities (link step 1).
In a second step, we deal with the aspect of existential risks (link step 2).
Then we bring these topics together and look at how they are connected (link step 3), in order to then critically question these connections in a further step (link step 4).
Finally, I offer you the opportunity to give feedback on the website and to contact me (link step 5).