
Digital Identities

Following on from the last post, in which a basic basis for understanding was created, I would like to take up digital identities in this post.
I would therefore like to present various definitions that I found in the course of my research:

“A digital identity is the body of information about an individual, organization or electronic device that exists online. Unique identifiers and use patterns make it possible to detect individuals or their devices.” - techtarget.com

“A digital identity is information used by computer systems to represent an external agent – a person, organization, application, or device.” - Wikipedia.org

“Digital identity is essentially any personal data existing online that can be traced back to the real you. For example, photos you’ve uploaded to social media, posts you’ve created or commented on, your online bank account, search engine history.” - blog.avast.com

“A digital identity is a way to prove your identity in a safe and secure way when accessing services or completing transactions online. A digital identity removes the need to prove your identity through face-to-face interactions and by using physical identity documents.” - nsw.gov.au

“A digital identity is an online or networked likeness that an individual, organization, or electronic device adopts or claims in cyberspace. Through several communities, users can project more than one digital persona. However, security and privacy are major concerns when it comes to digital identity management.” - imageware.io

I have deliberately decided not to commit to one definition, but to provide several in order to present different approaches. On the other hand, this collection of definitions is intended to show how broad the field is and that it can hardly be summarised in one sentence without leaving out certain aspects.

I also came across another source (miteksystems.com) that describes that people’s digital identities consist of the following three elements:

I don’t know what to do with this information at the moment, but perhaps I can draw conclusions from it at a later date.
Further research has somehow not really brought me any further, so I would now like to devote myself to the topic of existential risks.

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Take me to the next post about Existential Risks!